Sommeliers and specialized chefs prefer our water
Sommeliers and specialized chefs prefer our water
The International Taste & Quality Institute has awarded Agua de Benassal for its excellent taste
The International Taste & Quality InstituteiTQi -, based in Brussels, is the leading organization dedicated to tasting and promoting food products of superior TASTE.
In the selection of its jury, the iTQi works in association with the 15 most prestigious culinary institutions in Europe, such as the Maîtres Cuisiniers de France, the Academy of Culinary Arts, the Hellenic Chefs’ Association, amongst others.
The quality of Agua de Benassal continues to reap success.
The jury of the International Taste & Quality Institute (iTQi) of Brussels has granted Agua de Benassal the Superior Taste Award with 3 stars, which qualifies the product as Superior Taste.
This award represents a trajectory, having won the recognition for the eleventh consecutive year.
Diamond Award
Last year, Agua de Benassal was granted this award for the seventh time, which meant its entry to the privileged Diamond Award club that “especially rewards the consistency and quality of taste worldwide”, as expressed by the members of the tasting jury. The Diamond Award is only granted to products that continuously maintain their commitment to quality, distinction and exclusivity.
With this award, the En Segures Fountain spring water consolidates itself as a benchmark amongst “Premium” waters in both national and international markets.
Companies from 120 countries around the world participate in the tastings and awards. Fifteen European institutions are in charge of the tastings and selection of products, ensuring a standard of quality and evaluation of food products. In Spain, the Federation of Cooks Associations of Spain is the representative body of the Institute. In addition, there are members of the jury from Turkey, Portugal, Holland, Sweden, France, Greece, and Germany.